Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea was a beverage consumed by members of many species around the galaxy. The process in which it was made was simple, involving the addition of certain exotic plant-leaves to boiling water, the heat of the water leaching the properties of the leaves, giving the tea flavor. Occasionally milk or sugar were added, either to lessen the heat, or to curb the flavor slightly, or to sweeten it. Some found this unpleasant. Crumpets were sometimes served with tea. Tea could also be paired with biscuits.

Tea, Wookieepedia

OHS3842-03, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Ardees Beverage Tea, Wiki

Tea, Wookieepedia

Chandrilan tea, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Du Hutta, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Tee Watt Kaa, Wookieepedia

Tea, Wookieepedia

Daruvvia system, Wookieepedia