Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Ultra pad is made from a superior quality polyester fabric coated with a high-grade vinyl compound. It features superior grip strength which keeps rugs from sliding and slipping on hard surfaces. It also extends the life of rugs by providing a smooth supportive base while millions of tiny openings allow it to breathe. It can be easily cleaned with warm water and a mild detergent rinsed and laid flat to dry.

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Non-Slip Rug Padding Ultra Pad

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Isabella ISA916B 3' x 5' Cream and Beige Area Rug

Arizona Shag ASG741B Brown / Ivory - 8 X 8 Square Arizona Shag Rugs are luxurious medium pile shags 1.25 inch in brilliant solids and boho-mod tribal patterns. Arizona shags add balance and dimension to any room and are a smart choice for spacious rooms and contemporary styled decor. Power loomed using soft yet durable synthetic yarns for a comforting feel underfoot and lasting beauty.

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Arizona Shag ASG741A Ivory - Beige 10' x 10' Round Area Rug

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

SAFAVIEH Rug on Carpet White 3 ft. x 5 ft. Rug Pad PAD125-3SET2

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

SAFAVIEH Advance Ultra Non-Slip Grid Rug Pad, White, 3' x 5' (Set

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Florida Shag SG471-1113 5'3 x 7'6 Cream / Beige Area Rug

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

2'7 X 5' Santorini Outdoor Rug Black/bone - Safavieh : Target

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Rio Shag 3 x 5 Blush Indoor Abstract Bohemian/Eclectic

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Madison MAD603D-3 3' x 5' Cream/Navy Area Rug

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh White 3'x5' Sheepskin Rug SHS121A

[DURABLE QUALITY HANDMADE CONSTRUCTION]: Hand-woven by skilled artisans for a truly unique textured look and feel [PREMIUM FIBERS]: Made from 100%

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

SAFAVIEH Natura Collection Accent Rug - 3' x 5', Ivory & Light Grey, Handmade Farmhouse Boho Wool, Ideal for High Traffic Areas in Entryway, Living

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Natural Fiber Collection 3' x 5' Area Rug

[NON-SHEDDING]: Expertly machine-woven from enhanced soft synthetic durable fibers that have a virtually non-shedding pile for ultimate convenience

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

SAFAVIEH Kids Shag Collection Area Rug - 5'3 x 7'6, Ivory & Multi, Rainbow Trellis Design, Non-Shedding & Easy Care, 2-inch Thick Ideal for High

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

Safavieh Santa Monica Shag Taupe Rug - 3' x 5

[STAIN RESISTANT & NON-SHEDDING]: Expertly machine-woven from enhanced synthetic durable fibers that are stain resistant and have a virtually

Safavieh 3' x 5' Ultra Pad White Rug

SAFAVIEH Serenity Collection Accent Rug - 3'6 x 5'6, Creme & Brown, Traditional Oriental Design, Non-Shedding & Easy Care, Ideal for High Traffic